Senin, 09 Desember 2019

How To Prevent Alzheimer At A Young Age?

Alzheimer is slow fatal degenerative disease of the brain that effects memory, emotion, and other functions. 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s. Every 4 seconds, 1 person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in the world. Alzheimer’s is incurable. The existing drugs can only slow its progress and treat symptoms.
Alzheimer's at a young age tends to be caused by lifestyle factors. Unhealthy living habits that cause heart disease, unconsciously affect the brain. Research says people affected by heart disease have a high risk of Alzheimer's disease.
So, how to prevent alzheimer at a young age?
1.       The Brain Must Stay Active
The results show that people who play games like crosswords, chess, rubic cube, and cards have the greatest brain volume. In other words, keeping the brain active is one way of preventing Alzheimer's. Some individuals who engage in cognitive stimuli activities, especially those who play crossword puzzles and cards, have good results. They are useful for protecting their brain structures and cognitive functions that are susceptible to Alzheimer's disease.
2.       Avoid Being Cynical
According to a new study published in the medical journal Neurology, people with high levels of cynicism are more likely to risk dementia faster. People who have high cynicism are three times as likely to have dementia faster than the other way around. So, want to prevent Alzheimer's at a young age? Stop being cynical!
3.       Change your lifestyle
people who have heart disease will be susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. therefore change your lifestyle by quitting smoking, reduce consumption of alcohol, multiply intake of vitamin E and D, and avoid excessive sugar consumption. Because, people with high blood sugar levels are more likely to have memory problems.
4.       Regular Exercise
Most people are lazy to exercise, but exercise can make the body become healthy and improve brain performance. Much research has been done that doing regular exercise will prevent Alzheimer's disease. You can do whatever sport you like, like walking for ten minutes, running, swimming, cycling, and so on.
5.       Social Engagement
Humans are social beings where they need each other. You can not live alone without being dependent on others, because being a brawler or anti-social can also trigger the development of Alzheimer's disease faster. You can start interacting with people around from family, neighbors, and friends. Socializing not only face to face, because in this modern era we can do it through social media. The more friends we have and interact with them the lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
6.       Healthy Diet
Alzheimer's disease attacks our brain. There is mention of this disease is "diabetes of brain". As with diabetes that attacks the body, the best solution to prevent this disease is by doing a healthy diet. Start by consuming fruits, vegetables, vitamins, multiply drinking water, eating healthy foods, adjust your meal portion with your calorie needs and activities. Remember, a healthy diet does not mean reducing the amount of food you eat. but, more carefully choose the food.
7.       Quality Sleep
If you want to prevent Alzheimer's disease. You must have good sleep quality. Do not often stay up until midnight, because it can affect brain performance. The brain needs the same rest as the body and the best break for the brain is to sleep, but most sleep is also not good for health. Therefore, change the quality of your sleep. Adults usually need 8 hours to sleep at night. For people who have insomnia you can consult a doctor to request a prescription for easy sleep.
8.       Stress Management
Prolonged heavy stress will result in shrinking of brain memory, clogging brain nerve cells, and increasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Avoid activities that make you stress easily. You can prevent stress by doing hobbies that you like, communicating to share stories about your problems or burdens to someone very well to reduce the burden experienced, meditation, bathing , massage. sports, listening music, sleep, positive thinking, and vacation.

Hopefully eight surefire ways to prevent Alzheimer's at a young age above are beneficial to you. So, if you want to prevent Alzheimer's disease at a young age we have to change our lifestyle that was initially unhealthy. Do not underestimate forgetfulness! Memory loss is not a normal part of ageing.

Minggu, 08 Desember 2019

Story Telling "A Delicious Ice Cream"

Bella, is a very adorable little girl. Bella’s mom always graciously teaches Bella to be a disciplined child, starting from studying, cleaning her own room, brushing her teeth before going to bed, and getting up on time. Bella loves her mother very much and has never disobeyed her orders.
One day, as usual before leaving for school, her mother prepared a lunch box for Bella.
"Bella, don't forget to eat your lunch!" Said her mother "Yes, mom. Bella would spend it." Bella answered. "Good girl!" her mother said, stroking Bella's head gently. "Don't eat snacks carelessly! Save your money, later Bella can buy whatever Bella wants if Bella is diligent in saving." Said her mother. "It must be mom. I always save my money and not eat anything carelessly. "
Arriving at school Bella immediately entered the classroom and prepared to study.
Kring … kring … kring …
The break bell rang. Bella took out her lunch box and prepared to have lunch with her friends. Suddenly, Nadia and Pinky came while bringing an ice cream that looks very delicious.
"Hi, Bella. Do you want ice cream?” Said Nadia, offering Ice Cream to Bella. "Wow, it looks very delicious. Where did you buy?” Bella asked "In front of the school there is a new ice cream seller. All children buy ice cream there. You have to try it yourself. It's very delicious.” Pinky explained while licking her ice cream. "Hmm, but my mother said no snacks should be careless." Bella said innocently. "This is just ice cream, this is not snacks." Said Nadia "Try it once!"
The ice cream looked very delicious, Bella began to be tempted to try it. After thinking for a long time, Bella went to buy ice cream while accompanied by Nadia and Pinky. "Wow, you are right. This ice cream is very delicious." Said Bella happy "I know, you must really like it." They also ate ice cream together. Bella spent 3 ice creams at a time, until she forgot to not eat the lunchbox her mother had prepared.
Arriving at home, Bella's mother checked Bella's lunch box. She was surprised because the lunch was still left half. When, her mother asked, Bella answered that her lunch was too much so she could not finish it. The next day, Bella bought more ice cream. That day she spent 5 ice cream, Bella also secretly brought ice cream to eat at home. On the third day, Bella felt her body heat, and she sneezed repeatedly while blowing her nose from her nose. Bella's mother was very worried and took Bella to the doctor. The doctor said Bella had the flu.
"Forgive me, mom. Bella lied. Bella bought ice cream at school. The ice cream is very delicious, I was tempted to always want to eat it. "
Bella's mother was not angry. Patiently, Bella's mother advised her little daughter. "It is okay, dear. I know, ice cream is delicious. Bella can eat it, but not too often. Later, Bella will get sick again. If Bella wants something, Bella can’t lie, tell to mom! Okay!" advised her mother. Bella also regretted lying and violating her mother's orders. She promised not to repeat it again.

Resume Chapter 1 Mengembangkan Rencana Teknologi

I.                   Tentukan model pengajaran anda
Dari teknologi pembelajaran hingga pembelajaran digital
Teknologi pendidikan telah ada selama beberapa dekade, tetapi laju inovasi adalah apa yang telah berubah dalam dekade terakhir ini. Dalam bidang pendidikan bahasa yang terus berkembang, luasnya teknologi komunikasi memberikan kemungkinan tanpa batas bagi guru dan siswa, tetapi juga memiliki potensi untuk membingungkan mereka dan menciptakan kegelisahan dan perlawanan. Suatu syarat bagi keberhasilan implementasi mereka adalah perlunya dorongan atau motivasi dan pengenalan yang bertahap, secara bertahap terhadap alat dan sumber daya baru.
Identifikasi profil teknologi pribadi Anda
Langkah pertama dalam proses adopsi/ pemakaian adalah menilai kesiapan diri sendiri untuk menerima teknologi baru. Para ahli sering menggunakan istilah ‘digital native’ dan ‘digital immigrants’. Maksud dari ‘digital native’ adalah seseorang yang tumbuh dan berkembang bersamaan dengan teknologi digital, sedangkan ‘digital immigrants’ adalah seseorang yang tumbuh tanpa teknologi digital dan mengadopsikannya setelah dewasa. Mayoritas siswa dan guru mungkin adalah penduduk asli digital, tetapi ini tidak berarti bahwa penggunaan teknologi secara sosial telah beralih ke kelas bahasa. Masih ada kebutuhan bagi banyak guru untuk berasimilasi dengan dunia pendidikan digital.
Siklus Adopsi
Selama dekade terakhir, para peneliti telah mengidentifikasi perilaku tertentu ketika memperkenalkan teknologi pembelajaran baru ke sekolah dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya. Perilaku ini telah dipetakan pada apa yang dikenal sebagai siklus adopsi. Adopsi teknologi melalui fase dengan cara yang sama seperti pada siklus adopsi. Perlahan-lahan, seiring berjalannya waktu, reaksi negatif ini membuka jalan bagi pendekatan yang lebih pragmatis terhadap teknologi pembelajaran baru, yang berakhir dengan penggunaannya yang produktif dalam proses pengajaran. Seberapa lancar transisi ini terjadi tergantung pada pelatihan dan dukungan yang efektif. Rencana pengembangan profesional yang kuat dapat menghilangkan pasang surut siklus hidup teknologi dan meratakan kurva belajar Anda sendiri.
Membuat rencana teknologi individual
Untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan teknologi secara paling efektif, baik di tingkat kelas individu atau di tingkat institusi secara keseluruhan, ada beberapa pertanyaan kunci yang perlu diingat:
1.      Apa keuntungannya?
Lihatlah setiap elemen teknologi yang ingin Anda gunakan dan cobalah untuk menentukan nilai spesifiknya untuk pengajaran Anda dan pembelajaran siswa Anda. Apakah ini akan membuat pekerjaan anda sebagai guru lebih mudah dengan membuat perencanaan lebih efisien? Apakah dengan menggunakan teknologi ini akan menjadikan pembelajaran lebih otentik dan relevan bagi pelajar? Melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan membantu anda memutuskan apakah teknologi anda bisa diterapkan dan menyenangkan atau hanya alat yang terintegrasi.
2.      Bagaimana teknologi cocok dengan system yang ada (norma, nilai, dan tujuannya)?
Pada dasarnya tidak ada satu cara yang tepat untuk belajar, semua cara belajar itu baik. Oleh karena itu, pikirkan tentang bagaimana anda mengajar dan cara yang anada inginkan diterapkan pada siswa. Teknologi yang anda pilih harus mencerminkan keyakinan anda dan sesuai untuk konteks pendidikan tempat anada mengajar.
3.      Seberapa sulit untuk digunakan?
Meskipun integrasi teknologi mungkin memiliki dampak positif untuk saat ini hingga jangka panjang pada pengajaran dan pembelajaran, Anda perlu mempertimbangkan ini terhadap prioritas Anda yang lebih besar dan, mungkin, memilih untuk menunggu sebelum menyelam ke dalam sesuatu yang kompleks yang dapat mengalihkan perhatian Anda dan siswa dari hal-hal ini prioritas. Bahkan jika Anda merasa percaya diri dengan alat, Anda tentu tidak ingin menghabiskan banyak waktu di kelas membantu siswa memahami bagaimana menggunakannya.
4.      Apakah terlihat?
Maksudnya adalah apakah teknologi dapat berimplementasi dengan baik pada proses pembelajaran atau hanya berfokus pada teknologi tersebut saja. Seberapa penting peran teknologi dalam pengajaran Anda? Apakah alat akan mengalahkan tugas? Apa risiko gangguan? Banyak pendidik berpendapat bahwa implementasi teknologi terbaik adalah yang di mana teknologi menyatu dengan latar belakang dan menjadi tidak terlihat dalam proses pengajaran..
5.      Bisakah anda mengukurnya?
Maksudnya adalah apakah dengan penerapan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran berdampak baik atau buruk pada proses pengajaran anda? Meskipun teknologi seharusnya tidak mendorong pelajaran, kita perlu menemukan cara untuk mengukur dampaknya. Ada baiknya Anda bertanya pada diri sendiri tiga pertanyaan yang sangat sederhana dan memikirkan contoh untuk jawaban masing-masing.
a.       Apakah siswa saya menyukai teknologi baru?
b.      Apakah mereka belajar menggunakan teknologi baru?
c.       Apakah mereka menggunakan teknologi baru untuk menunjukkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari?